Monday, June 21, 2010 - Fourth Article Published

Light the lamp within.           

I tried to submit my fourth article at Suite as quickly as possible but it still took two hours. Then the Suite Tech section editor, Guy W. Lecky-Thompson, wanted me to make a few improvements - add third-party hyperlinks and references. Perfectly reasonable and I did it at once but it took about an hour.

Pageviews have reached 100 but revenue is still zilch. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before someone clicks on an ad surrounding one of my articles and the first few cents roll into my account.

Today is the first day of Feek 7 and posting my fourth article has been the biggest rock today.

I have tried to use a more jazzy title for this article:

The Simple No-Frills Way to Shoot High-Quality Videos for YouTube

Tomorrow, I may take a break and write a sonnet for a contest.
Or go to British Library.

I plan to hit the sack early today.
Immediately after I complete this post.
Which I have.
Good night, all.

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